Note: Thank you to everyone who sent your prayers or a gift for our special appeal, you've met our goal for CMCSMen Online. Now we are working to fund a Spanish (and hopefully Polish) Men's Forum if you can send a small gift to match what has been given already, we have $200.00 to go. Thank you again, and may God return to you double what you share with us! -- Frank J Casella |
“We are proud to offer a few hours of respite, prayer and solid input to men across the Archdiocese on how they can live faithfully the implications of their baptism and discipleship in Christ for these times.”
~ Most Reverend Joseph Perry of Chicago |
Dear CMCS-Men and Readers, |
At the Great Commission, Jesus Christ tasked the Catholic Church with sharing his message of salvation and making “disciples of all nations.” His commission is not just for the Body of Christ as a whole. It extends to each one of us wherever we are planted.
Catholic Men Chicago Southland is blessed to be a resource in an era of unparalleled connection, thanks to the internet. But from those to whom much is given, much is expected. We have over the years a great opportunity to reach the depths of our local wounded culture with this healing message even more through our Men's Forum experience. Now we need seed money to host very soon a much requested Spanish Forum, and this means that your support goes farther than ever before!
Help us renew our culture from the inside out with honest, faithful support that Catholic men need. Consider a generous gift to help the CMCS Apostolate remain free online, and Forum ticket prices affordable, and keep us in your prayers, as you remain in ours. |
Thank you on behalf of Bishop Joseph Perry and the CMCS Team. May God bless you double for what you give to us! |
You can also give using
PayPal, or by sending a check made out to CMCS to:
Bishop Joseph N Perry
Catholic Men Chicago Southland
Archdiocese Vicariate VI Office
3525 South Lake Park Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60653
PS. Did you know that you can donate to CMCS with your phone plan?
Click here to shop the CMCS special promotion phones or plans. When you call Charity Mobile to sign up, remember to mention Catholic Men Chicago Southland and they will send us 5% of your monthly plan price. |
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